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Enjoy The View!
Have An Excellent Day!
If Today Is Not Your Turn...
Help Make It Excellent For Someone Else!

Sells items to help clean and fight the germ war!
See Hawk Cleaning Station:
See Hawk Cleaning Bucket:
Tries to promote and encourage the idea of
See The Excellentway Society(TM):
Runs The Hawk Detective Agency(TM) to help people find the truth, solve some kind of mystery, or
justice to succeed!
See The Hawk Detective Agency(TM):
Is inventing new ways to heat and cool the planet without generating Greenhouse Gasses, trying
to save the world!
Is trying to invent other items to help us live in a more excellent manner, developing Excellentway Society Lifetime Systems(TM).
Is building the worlds first stainless steel city, "Hawk City 1", possibly in the midwest USA, the first of three experimental cities.
However, due to lack of interest, it may be built outside of the United States.
See Hawk Books:
I wish you an excellent day! - Hawk
How it works

What you plan and attempt to do, today...
Sets your way for tomorrow and the day after...
Pursue the noble and excellent!


I need my coffee first...
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